HONG KONG (PRWEB) December 16th, 2020

Summer Atlantic Capital Ltd. and China Resources Holdings Company Limited
enter into a strategic partnership to evaluate new medical technologies developed
in North America and Europe for distribution into China.
Summer Atlantic Capital Ltd. is proud to announce a new strategic agreement with China Resources Holdings Company Limited (“China Resources”), a state-owned conglomerate with operations across healthcare, consumer products, energy services, technology, finance, and real estate. Summer Atlantic Capital is scouring the market for new technologies that can have a positive social and economic impact in China, and leading the formation of new Joint Ventures to facilitate this expansion. The agreement will further strengthen Summer Atlantic Capital’s ability to validate new emerging medical technologies’ value proposition for the Chinese market and allow for a quick ramp-up of their distribution and sale through China Resource’s network.
China Resources will help validate new technologies by facilitating access to Key Opinion Leaders and potential customers, helping educate the medical community about new products, and gather other valuable input for creation of a successful business plan. Joint Ventures managed by Summer Atlantic Capital will benefit from a faster ramp-up of the distribution and sale of its products due to this agreement. China Resources will guarantee the distribution of these products into their network of tier-1 medical facilities & distributors, commit to pre-purchase orders, and assist with other tasks to ensure rapid distribution and acceptance of the product, such as training the sales teams. China Resources has extensive knowledge, influence, and expertise that will help streamline the CFDA approval process for Summer Atlantic’s medical Joint Ventures.
Sebright Chen, Chairman & CEO of Summer Atlantic Capital Ltd. addresses the importance of the agreement:
“Working with a powerful conglomerate like China Resources will further enhance the probability of a successful Joint Venture by providing their expertise, evaluation, and market research. Once evaluated, China Resources will play a key role in ensuring the JV has a successful launch by assisting with CFDA approval, providing logistical distribution, large purchase orders, and education to the medical community through their established networks. We are honored that China Resources is trusting and working with us to deliver these novel technologies into China driving GDP growth and improved patient outcomes.”
About Summer Atlantic Capital
Summer Atlantic Capital is a Hong-Kong based entity with a sister company, Summer Atlantic China (our private equity group) based in China, and a North American marketing arm, Summer Atlantic US. We focus on discovering companies with advanced technologies that are beneficial to the Chinese market. We work with the owners of these technologies to structure JV partnerships with strategic Chinese entities or individuals that have expertise in the respective field. In addition, Summer Atlantic arranges for the necessary capital to finance the joint ventures, which could include direct participation by our sister company, Summer Atlantic China, private individuals, business entities, or even state-owned funds. Summer Atlantic evaluates the feasibility of these technologies and how they could potentially enhance the Chinese consumer while at the same time simultaneously adding GDP growth into the Chinese economy. Summer Atlantic takes an active role from the formation of the JV all the way up to and including operations and the development of an exit strategy for the JV’s shareholders. Summer Atlantic Capital consists of a growing core team of over 25 executives with C level experience across a wide range of industries interacting with some of the world’s largest corporations. Our Executive team prides itself on their proven track record and rolodex of relationships throughout industry and government.
About China Resources Holdings Company Limited
China Resources is a state-owned diversified holding company founded in 1938 registered in HK, ranking 80th in the 2019 Fortune Global 500 with revenues over 91 billion USD. China Resources Group’s key business areas are consumer products, healthcare, energy services, urban construction, operation, technology, and finance. China Resources has seven key strategic business units, 19 grade-1 profit centers, and over 2,000 business entities with more than 420,000 employees. There are six listed companies, 2 blue-chip, under the China Resources umbrella listed in Hong Kong.